This blog originally began as "Blog of the Universe," chronicling the adventures of three girls during Depeche Mode's Tour of the Universe. Now that the girls' shows have passed, Amanda has decided to continue blogging on various DM-related topics. This blog isn't really meant to be a news source (there are great sites for that already) but more of a personal op-ed space for DM musings.
Many may question whether we have lives (we do), but what is life without adventure to make it worth living?
Amanda is a pretty mellow person (when I'm not stressed out about projects) but she loves fun and adventure with friends.
She has a B.S. in Graphic Design and spends her weekdays working for a firm that specializes in non-profit and small business marketing. Amanda lives with her boyfriend (to whom she may as well be married) and one crazy cat, Cocoanut. Enjoying many time-consuming hobbies that compete with one another, she is fully aware she's a complete geek and revels in it.
Just a quick little note. If you want to leave comments, a Blogger account is not required - a gmail login will work. Sorry I've disabled anonymous comments to prevent anonymous trolling.